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Life is so beautiful when everything around you is going well.
Food is very important for every human being. The taste of food can change
a persons mood and is the cause for happiness or vice versa. In
todays world, food is very expensive and also one needs to eat in
moderation. Hence whatever you eat needs to be well cooked and according
to each persons liking. Spices and flavour added to food can change
the entire taste of the product. Taste of the food depends on the
individual chef. Use of spices depends on individual recipes. Today all
chefs are using volumetric as basis for adding ingredients. Hence it can
vary from time to time. There are many readymade spices available in the
market but you do not know their quality and freshness. The aroma of
spices will be more if the spices are freshly ground. If you try and
analyse there are millions of recipes available for processing food.
Nowadays one would like to have the taste of grandmothers cooking.
At the touch of one button you can select the recipe and get it ground
Taking this into account Miranda Automation has developed a completely
automated system to dispense correctly weighed quantities of different
ingredients such as chilli flakes, black pepper, turmeric, cumin seed,
coriander etc. The dispenser will weigh each ingredient in correct
quantity in grams and dispense and discharge the quantity required into
the mixer grinder alongwith correct quantity of water/vinegar and oil.
When the ground paste is ready an alarm will go off. This paste can then
be added to meat or vegetables . Thus you need not have a qualified chef
to manage the show.
The same machine can be used for ayurvedic medicines or cosmetics. One
can feed in the ailment and the machine will choose the recipe and prepare
the concoction including boiling or powder or paste.
The new innovation at Miranda Automation Pvt Ltd. brings to you a unique custard apple extractor. Custard apple , commonly knows as Sitaphal, in India has a very pulpy characteristic within the skin of the fruit. The cleaning process for a custard apple involves :
M/S Miranda Automation Pvt Ltd who are pioneers in industrial automation and giving to the industry the flour handling system,
have further challenged themselves to improve upon their own innovations. presenting to you the newly innovated flour handling system version 2014.
Why the need of flour handling system version 2014 ?
Good maintenance practice and hygiene contribute the maximum to food safety. better food safety can be achieved if the equipment itself is maintenance friendly i.e. easy t0 maintain,easy to operate and provide hygienic surrounding with functional accuracy.
What does the new flour handing system version 2014 consist of ?
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